Monday, 31 May 2010

Dream Challenge Day 3+4, the sleepover,my new clothes, new challenge and my OWN challenge (overall, a LONG post!)

K, I am warning you: this is a big of a long post! I've got a lot-ish to tell you, and I am trying constantly not to bore my gorgeous readers. So I have warned you!
K, so. The Dream Challenge. I've got two days to report:
Something you dreamed about, then it happened: Day 3 (yesterday's)
I have little ones, sometimes I wake up from a big dream and then dream a small dream when I get back to sleep. Such as, last week, I dreamt it would be sunny and the school canteen would sell ice lollies and Yr7 would be allowed on the field to sunbathe (even though there is no chance I'm gonna lose my milk-bottle skin for a nice summery tan!). So, I went to school the day after and: we went outside for P.E. cus it was proper hot, the canteen at lunch were selling orange, lime and grape fruity ices, and Yr7 and Yr8 were given the spare 20 mins that Yr11 (who practicaly own the field) have on the field, cus they were all in study classes for GCSE's!
Your favourite dream: Day 4 (today's)
Now, this is HARD! I have a dozen and one fave dreams! I suppose the best EVER dream is the one when me and all of my friends got trapped in a big department store (a Mall, to non-British people) and had endless amounts of money so we could do ANYTHING and buy ANYTHING we wanted!

That's that done. Now, the sleepover. Yeah, so I went to my friend Brit's sleepover for her 12th birthday. There was me, Lucy, Jenna, Bridget and, of course, Brit all sleeping over in her front room - Jenna on the long sofa, Bridget with the vast armchair and big footrest, and the other three on the sofa bed on the floor. We had crazy makeovers (involving 'professional' bruised eye-makeup, pale pink lippy and dark foundation faces) and walked around the estate in jeans, coats and our pyjamas, pulling each other on skateboards with multicoloured tennis racquets. We went on Brit's Wii* and eat doughnuts, Me To You birthday cake, Quavers*, Wotsits*. We also stayed up until past 2 o'clock, on Facebook and dancing to (VERY loud - the poor neighbours!) music, and in the morning we woke up with moustaches on our faces in grey eyeliner!

Heehee. It was pretty fun! A good sleepover, one of the best I've been to. My new clothes were bought a couple of hours before I arrived. I went to the Trafford Centre in Manchester, which is HUGE and full of SHOPS! It's totally totally FAB! Anyway, I went with my mum, dad, sisters and grandma, and had a ham-and-pineapple pizza at Pizza Time. Then, I bought a copy of Beads, Boys and Bangles, by Sophia Bennett, which is the second in the Threads series, my new favourite set of books. My dad, as my reward for doing well in my tests, also bought a new outfit from Tammy at Bhs. A pair of navy-blue jeggings (jean leggings - the new teen trend), a light pink and white and black tartan top, and a navy-blue denim jacket - here are the pictures:

my new jacket!

the jeggings!

the material of my new top!

The New Challenge I have decided to do is The 30 Day Song Challenge, which Mizz Ali does and so is many others! Each day I have to write a song based on that day's catagory! Easy! Day 1 is 'Your Favourite Song'. My Favourite Song is Fight For This Love by Cheryl Cole, because I can know all the lyrics and it is really easy to make up dances to, plus it is catchy and you can copy it into a acoustic or rock or remix version or change it so Alvin + The Chipmunks are singing it!

MY NEW CHALLENGE, the one I have created, is... (drumroll! Dun dun dun!) THE 10 DAY FRIENDSHIP CHALLENGE! It is celebrating friendship by sharing something your friend(s) have done accourding to this guide:

DAY 1: Something that made you laugh DAY 2: Something that made you cry DAY 3: Something that made you smile DAY 4: Something that made you grumpy DAY 5: Something that offended you DAY 6: Something that made you the best of friends DAY 7: Something that made you happy DAY 8: Something that made you irritated DAY 9: Something you will treasure forever DAY 10: The reason(s) why you are friends

I will post the logo to go on your sidebar in my next post, cus I have to go now and I think this is enough to stop you getting bored if you aren't bored already. Sorry if I have bored you!

Kate x

Saturday, 29 May 2010

An award!

I have to post this now, I really do. It's my second post today - I hope no one minds! So,on with it...

I have created an award, called the 'Blog I Love Award'. I'm going to award it to four of the best blogs and their owners because their blogs rock so much and I have found them such a pleasure to read. The award is created by myself, and I hope you will pass it on - just post it on your blog, name the four new winners and pass the award to them - easy! So, my winners are:

1. Mizz Ali - Random Gorgeouznezz
2. Amber Kirk - Let's Call It A Journey
3. Ria - The Beaucomp Review
4. Cat :D - What I've Done Today
5. Angela - My Game, My Rules

Congrats if you now own this award! I hope you like it!

Love, Kate

The Dream Challenge!

Yeah, so Mizz Ali, my faithful and gorgeous reader, has started a challenge. For 15 days, the blogger has to post a dream they had everyday, like 'Scariest Dream' or 'Best Dream' or (the last one that sounds, to me, the best) 'The Dream I Wish I Had'. I thought it sound amazing to do so I've posted the logo on the sidebar so Mizz Ali knows I'm taking part with her, Amber and many others. All that is left to do is to start the challenge: No. 1 is A recurring Dream, so here is my most recurring dream to date...

Day 1: 'A recurring Dream'
You know those retro 1950's ice cream parlours, with high chairs, waitresses in rollar-skates, high-cut glasses filled with ice cream and fruit and frothy milkshakes? I dream that I'm inside one on a cliff, with a couple of friends, and the place is barely full. A waitress with dyed pink plaits and stripy red tights comes and asks us if we are ready to order. I ask for a banana smoothie, but the waitress's forehead wrinkles and steam starts coming out of her ears. She drags me out of the parlour by ponytail (ouch!) and chucks me on the floor and rolls me on the floor, until I'm pushed down and down and down the cliff into a giant sea of creamy banana milkshake, sinking deep in the pale yellow liquid, no scream coming out of my mouth. My eyes shut then, and I continue to float around, drowning in the milkshake...

Yeah, I know it's kinda weird, but that is my most recurring dream. I dream it at no particular time, just randomly. So, yeah. The next one is 'Your worst Nightmare'. Mmm. Looking forward to that one, then.

Thanks to Mizz Ali for making the challenge, and also to Mizz for reading - you are the most gorgeous reader and I couldn't ask for a better person to be following and commenting on every post. You are the best!!

Kate x

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Back again!

I am at this very second in time, watching The Simpsons, typing on my dad's laptop, and reading an article on Teen Beauty Padgents in BLISS Mag. What are you all doing?

I love that question - what you up to? I get asked it every time I go on Facebook, by my close friends or mates in my school set or form, even my auntie or cousin. Usually, I type back 'nm u?' (slang fbook talk for NOT MUCH YOU? if you haven't catched on yet) or 'nout wuu2?' (slang fbook talk for NOTHING WHAT YOU UP TO?), but if I'm in that mood, I'll write 'watching TV' 'reading a mag' 'nothin in perticular' 'homework - yawn!'.

Most people just spare the details I enjoy putting in. My friend loves to write long lists of people she loves to pieces - I get a ton of updates with my name in, saying how much she loves me or how crazy I am or that my latest fad is totally weird - it gets annoying. All true - I am kinda different to most almost-teen girls: my skirt isn't that high, I only apply lipgloss if I see my crush (which isn't often, my friends aren't keen), and I like English lessons. But I am a almost-teen girl, because I read teen mags like I might die if I didn't, Glee and Eastenders and Gossip Girl are my fave TV shows, and I adore New Look, Miss Sporty mascara and hairbands from Claire's Accessories. See?

Certain things just make me tick that no one else is a big fan of my age: the Nationwide advert with the two men from Little Britain dressed as 'young ladies', the special Google logos they make on special days like Pakman's birthday or the day Peter Pan was published. Even yellow cars make me giggle! OK, so I get funny looks for doing some outrageous dare involving green lipstick and £2, but if I like it, I'll pull it off. No matter if I get a uniform detention or called a 'freak' on the way.

Just realized how much I'd wrote - it is a pretty long post for me! Am going to leave it here now, but that does definetly not mean it'll be ten days before my next! In advance, I'm at a sleepover on Sunday and Monday morning so I won't be posting those days.

Until the next post,my lovely bloggettes,

Kate xx

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


I've been busy! 10 days of endless 'Kate!Kate!Kate', 'What?' (me), 'Oh,nothing!All sorted!' - grrr!
So I promise you more updates on this blog for this day, hour, minute, second. Cross my heart and hope to die and stick two needles in each eye. Pinky swear. Piggie swear (invented by my friend Jenna who ADORES pigs - feel free to use it).
Sunday's car boot was pretty good, but boring. We made over £60 for old junk we don't need - how cool is that? The thing about car boot sales that makes me actually want to get up at all hours to stand in the wind and freeze into a human iceberg is just watching people - it just never fails to amuse me, watching people walk by, some in turbans, some in ripped jeans (not designed to be like that by some wacky designer), faded The Beatles tees, sari's the colour of the ocean or the sun or moss. I look out for the one odd family that always passes: dyed mohawks, piercings, feather boas and womens high heels 10 size the size of the 8-year-old's feet. I know, I know, I sound pretty strange - but everyone does it at one point!
So yeah, I ate a dozen bags of foam prawns and liquorice torpeedos, froze my legs stiff, bought a vintage 1940s silver handbag for two quid and yawned until my lips were permantly stretched in an 'o' shape.
The next Sunday, I slept in til God knows, went out with my friends, ate more foam prawns (can't get enough!). The day after (or yesterday) I did my History, Maths and English exams in school, was forced to watch my friend snog her boyfriend Joe (disgusting) and nicked another friends ice lolly until she started screaming and trying to yank my ponytail.
Today I did my Geography exam, which was easy as pie, and made a fruit salad in Food Tec. (or Home Ec., whichever you wanna call it) out of kiwi, strawberries, orange, apple and grapes. I did a listening French test, too, and have probably got the lowest mark in the class. It was hard, seriously hard.
So you are now up to date with me, now. I hope. You haven't stopped reading, have you? GOD NO I'M NOT BORING YOU AM I????
Hope I'm not. Really do.
Until tomorrow, I guess (and I WILL post, of there is anything to post of)
Kate x

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Sooo Sorry it's been awhile!

I am sooooo sorry I've not been posting, guys! I've got my VERY IMPORTANT Yr7 exams in 2 weeks and have had to give up posting time to revise. An extra apologie to Amber Kirk, for not doing my TDF review - things are hectic for me at the moment, so I hope you understand, and I'll email you on time next week.
So - where to start? I never really know what to start these posts with. I'm doing a car boot tomorrow. It's at Clitheroe, and they do one every Sunday. It's always busy. People arrive there really early, 4 or 5am, to get good spots to set up their stalls. I have to help out loading the car with boxes today, and get myself some new school shoes, today. And wake up at 5:30am tomorrow. Ouch. I don't know how me, Mum, Davina and Wendy (my mum's friends) are going to manage it without falling asleep!
What else? My friends have all abandoned me! They've gone to Whitehoe in Burnley for three nights with school, on a maths trips - doing mining, mountain biking, quizzes, midnight walks, that sort of thing. I forgot to give my slip in on time, so I've not gone with them, otherwise I won't be posting this right now. Apparently some of them are in trouble for playing a couple of naughty practical jokes on the boys...
Instead of doing wordsearches in trees, I've been on Polyvore. Which is an awesome website that you make templates with clothes, makeup and co. and it's AMAZING! I would upload a couple of my designs, but I'm having problems uploading them - I'll get round it and give you notice when I have done.
Other little things? I'm saving up for a pair of white canvas trainers with black hearts, that are on one of the Polyvore pictures. Oh, if you want to join Polyvore, then click here:

I guess that's it. I'll post again tomorrow (I mean it this time!)

Kate x

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Quick Fire post!

This is a bit of a quick post. Just been searching Blogger at a couple of favourite blogs - and stumbled on one on The Beaucoup Review, to win Angel Cake by Cathy Cassidy. How great! Cathy Cassidy is the best female author around, and writes GREAT books! I can't recommend her more, and have just nominated her for Queen of Teen 2010 awards! As for the book competition, thanks to Ria O'Grady, the writer of The Beaucoup Review, for having the comp!
I said this was a quick fire post, didn't I? Only because if I write much more I might puke on the laptop and get a MEGA shout off my dad. I'm sick, if you had not cracked it. Hope none of you are reading this and feeling a bit funny. If so, get well soon!
Kate x

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Exam talk, BeBe Vox + TDF!

Yeah, I know, a week isn't that long without blogging - unless you're the blogger! Exam talk is all the teachers talk, think and probably breathe at the moment! One week in late May (this month) we (year7) have to sit exams in maths, english, science, geography, history, art, RE and god knows what else! My maths teacher says I have to go on such a website, english teach. says another, science, etc - in the end, my laptop might explode! LOL. :)

We had a new singer in school on Thursday. She's called BeBe Vox. Everyone pretty much loves her! She's amazing - she performed a hip-hop version of 'Fight For This Love' by Cheryl Cole, and my friend Jenna said it was better then the original song! Then she sang 2 more songs she had wrote herself: 'She Got It Bad' and 'All This Time'. All This Time is featuring some dude called Ad-Apt, and is being REALEASED. As a single. In the charts. I thought the first song, She Got It Bad, should be realeased - but 'All This Time' is instead: they are both fab, so what's the difference which song goes public?

TDF - The Daily Fashionista. THE online magazine full of fashion and beauty. And I'm writing for it! I'm a fashion reviewer, with Ria O'Grady, and, obviously, I review fashion and makeup. Also in the team are Amber, the Manager, Rachel, the Co Manager, Jean, the Fashion Scout - and we're looking for more! Check it out now, at

Oh, and I won a book! On Chicklish, the book blog, they held a competition to win a copy of Juicy Writing by Brigrid Lowry, full of inspirations and tips for young writers, and I WON A COPY!!! I never ever win anything, not ever, so this was like, the best thing ever! LOL. I major overracted when I read the email, but still: it was pretty exciting for me! Amber Kirk, writer of Let's Call It A Journey and Manager to TDF, won a copy too.

Got to Go, now. Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and of course, the next week!

Kate x