Tuesday, 25 May 2010


I've been busy! 10 days of endless 'Kate!Kate!Kate', 'What?' (me), 'Oh,nothing!All sorted!' - grrr!
So I promise you more updates on this blog for this day, hour, minute, second. Cross my heart and hope to die and stick two needles in each eye. Pinky swear. Piggie swear (invented by my friend Jenna who ADORES pigs - feel free to use it).
Sunday's car boot was pretty good, but boring. We made over £60 for old junk we don't need - how cool is that? The thing about car boot sales that makes me actually want to get up at all hours to stand in the wind and freeze into a human iceberg is just watching people - it just never fails to amuse me, watching people walk by, some in turbans, some in ripped jeans (not designed to be like that by some wacky designer), faded The Beatles tees, sari's the colour of the ocean or the sun or moss. I look out for the one odd family that always passes: dyed mohawks, piercings, feather boas and womens high heels 10 size the size of the 8-year-old's feet. I know, I know, I sound pretty strange - but everyone does it at one point!
So yeah, I ate a dozen bags of foam prawns and liquorice torpeedos, froze my legs stiff, bought a vintage 1940s silver handbag for two quid and yawned until my lips were permantly stretched in an 'o' shape.
The next Sunday, I slept in til God knows, went out with my friends, ate more foam prawns (can't get enough!). The day after (or yesterday) I did my History, Maths and English exams in school, was forced to watch my friend snog her boyfriend Joe (disgusting) and nicked another friends ice lolly until she started screaming and trying to yank my ponytail.
Today I did my Geography exam, which was easy as pie, and made a fruit salad in Food Tec. (or Home Ec., whichever you wanna call it) out of kiwi, strawberries, orange, apple and grapes. I did a listening French test, too, and have probably got the lowest mark in the class. It was hard, seriously hard.
So you are now up to date with me, now. I hope. You haven't stopped reading, have you? GOD NO I'M NOT BORING YOU AM I????
Hope I'm not. Really do.
Until tomorrow, I guess (and I WILL post, of there is anything to post of)
Kate x

2 laughing thoughts...:


SO not boring!


aww thanks Im really enjoying reading your blog, too! x

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Hey! I love love love to hear comments from your guys, on how I can make things better or just about the topic or post. Remember though, I will delete any bad ones, but I don't think I will get any of those! Love, Kate x