Monday 26 April 2010

Hey - have I introduced myself properly?

Take that as a no! I better give you some idea of the person writing all of this, eh? Here goes!

Full Name: Kate Ann Noblet
D.O.B: 8th Feb. 1998 (I'm 12)
Nickname: Mouse, Nobi
Hidden Talent: Everyone says I should be a journalist...

Colours: Green, grey + white
Food + Drink: Iced buns, Dairy Milk chocolate bars, + orange Lucozade
Animals: West Highland White Terriers, panta's, koala bear's, horses
Shops: New Look,, Claire's
TV: Outnumbered, Snog Marry Avoid, Glee (!!!), American Dad!
Famous People: Audrey Hepburn, Robert Pattinson, Emma Watson, Sophia Bennett, Emily Blunt, Isla Fisher, Christian Dior
Subject: Science, maybe English, defo. RE (teacher = hilarious)
Item of Clothing: Purple cardigan I bought for £3 at Ethel Austins in Accrington (R.I.P EA, 13/04/010)
Friend: Oh boy. Hope your comfy... [In no order]
- Sophie
- Jenna
- Charlotte
- CJ
- Amy
- Bridget
- James
- Lauren
- Millie
- Amelia
- Charlie
- Lucinda

Song: Naturally by Selena Gomez, Dirty Picture by Taio Cruz ft Ke$ha, + Once by Diana Vickers (the current no.1 on the English charts!)

That's about it. All there is to know about me! Well, course there is other things, but those are the interesting bits. Today I went to school (public, I'm not homeschooled, but mind you, Scarlett by Cathy Cassidy makes it sound fun) and raced a wooden, elastic-band-powered boat down a drainpipe filled with water! Mrs Litherland had a brainwave and told us each to compose a boat of recycled stuff to race down a drainpipe. I know - weird.
It is my friends birthday today - happy birthday Sophie!
OMG. Just received an email from Amber (aka. writer of Lets Call It A Journey)! I'm the new Fashion Reviewer of The Daily Fashionista! YIPPIE! A job I might just be good at! Hope you lot check that website out - it is really amazing. Honest, NO LIE. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye (not really :))

GTG bloggettes. Au Revoir...*

Kate Xxx

*French for 'Good Bye'. :)

Kate xx

0 laughing thoughts...:

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Hey! I love love love to hear comments from your guys, on how I can make things better or just about the topic or post. Remember though, I will delete any bad ones, but I don't think I will get any of those! Love, Kate x